Athletes, bodybuilders, and everyday gym goers take their fitness routines seriously. They may have important goals, such as improving their performance, increasing their strength, boosting their endurance, and decreasing their weight or fat loss. Yet, all fitness enthusiasts recognize their workouts can be challenging at times. They may look into pre-workout supplements to enhance their […]
Continue readingBio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition, Inc (BSN) is one of the biggest and best-known names in the sports nutrition marketplace. Since 2001 BSN has been growing and building mass appeal, creating products that reach not only bodybuilders and gym rats, but ordinary joes who want to get in shape. Initial Impressions of N.O.-Xplode Pre-Workout N.O.-Xplode comes […]
Continue readingBeyond Raw is made by GNC and is generally recognized as one of the “anchor brands,” making up a significant part of their sales. Beyond Raw’s LIT Pre-Workout makes use of a lot of patented and branded ingredients, something made possible by GNC’s massive market share. But are those products the best for you? Brainz […]
Continue readingFitness isn’t just physical – it’s mental, too. More than that – the brain is an organ, so there’s no difference. A good workout carries just as much of a cognitive load as any “intellectual” challenge, and getting your body in shape means getting your brain in shape. That’s why so many athletes are turning […]
Continue readingThe weather is warming up across the United States and it won’t be long until we can enjoy gathering around the grill for a cookout. Before you fire up the grill, you’ll want to make sure the meats you’re grilling for family and friends are top-notch. The quality of meats can vary quite a bit […]
Continue readingThe important thing when it comes to hacking your brain is making it work for you. Try different things, stick with what works, and don’t blindly follow what the next expert comes along and says unless you can truly benefit from it.
Continue readingYour entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.
Continue readingThere are more organisms living on and inside your body than there are people on the earth. And not just a few more. Your body is teeming with a population that makes Earth’s seem sparse.
Continue readingIn the Age of Influencers, our culture is saturated with gurus, experts, motivators, and inspirational figures (also, trolls). Health and fitness is no different. Finding the best online personal trainer is subjective, but there are figures in the world of wellness, nutrition, fitness, and athletics who have risen to the top. They bring inventive ideas, […]
Continue readingIt is no secret that our healthcare system in America is in dire straits. With the growing tension surrounding the idea of universal healthcare and the rising costs of health insurance, we’re incredibly divided as a nation on these issues, and we’re not getting any healthier. In this list, you can look under the hood […]
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