Dollar Bill

Photo Credit: Dollar Bill Art People spend their lives trying to figure out how to make money, but do they know how money is literally made? You might be surprised to discover what materials involved in money production and how long it takes to actually turn a bill into the form you recognize and use […]

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The term “to split the baby” is an idiomatic expression for what seems like an unreasonable decision but is actually a ploy to flush out the truth. It is a psychological game: based on people’s reactions to his announcement, the decision-maker will be able to gather the right information. It is particularly effective when the […]

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Tennessee is a state with a very rich history and vast resources. Not only is Tennessee home to mountain ranges, lakes and plateaus put it is also often credited as the birthplace of country music and several well known historical figures. Below we’ve listed ten interesting facts about the state of Tennessee. This article is […]

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An adjective is a part of speech. It serves to modify a noun, in the sense that it provides an additional description or a qualifier. While many languages have no adjectives, in some (like English) it is very important and frequently used. There are two types of adjectives. The predicative adjective comes in a sentence […]

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Life’s toughest lessons are learned by making mistakes. It’s what we learn from our experiences, the good, the bad, the ugly, that matter most. Have some fun with these tongue in cheek common mistakes that (we think) everyone should commit at least once in a lifetime. 1. Getting married Everyone should take a trip down […]

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There is a common misconception that the further back in time you go, the more polite, restrained and principled people were. Not true. The Victorians got their rocks off in bawdy whore-houses, Medieval Europe was clearly awash with S&M inspired ‘torture’ and the Romans… well, see for yourself. 10. Plautus – Amphityron   Quando mecum […]

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Those who ask the difficult questions, like “Why are we here?”, “From where do we derive morals?” and “What does it all really mean, when you get right down to it?” have given humanity amazing philosophical insights and ethical guidance. Unfortunately, thinking too much about these issues can sometimes also lead to the brains of […]

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This year we set out to come up with a useful and interesting list showcasing 100 of the best blogs on the Internet. This list should give you a good inside track into the vast world of ideas out there on the Internet. It’s impossible to scour the net for all worthy blogs in a […]

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Everyone thinks they’re too smart to fall for a scam until it happens to them. No matter how sure you are that you can spot a con, sometimes it just takes you by surprise. It doesn’t have to be a flashy stock market swindle; it can happen when you’re just walking down the street. Street […]

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I never understood why more guys don’t cook. Food is delicious. You can make it yourself. Why in the world would you not do it? There are legions of easy recipes that make food that is mind-bogglingly badass, cheap and tasty, yet many just won’t do it. In my mind, that makes them losers. Here […]

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