jonestown massacre

Halloween is on its way and feeble horror tales are being dished out left, right and center. The following true stories, however, are not only filled with death and gore; they actually happened. Though often brutal and nonsensical, ritual suicide is real and has occurred throughout history. The motives behind mass suicide are varied. In […]

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The term “to split the baby” is an idiomatic expression for what seems like an unreasonable decision but is actually a ploy to flush out the truth. It is a psychological game: based on people’s reactions to his announcement, the decision-maker will be able to gather the right information. It is particularly effective when the […]

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world leaders

Once upon a time, the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors of this world were just like you. They went to college, they worked, they played; some of them were cool. Yet as their college days ceased, and their pursuit of the top job began, they relinquished personal style for sartorial homogeny. In pulling on a […]

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For the past 56 years the Church of Scientology has blazed a path of headlines and mystery across the globe. Once existing only as the idea held by a single man, the Church has grown into a multinational, highly organized institution in record time. There is little doubt that trends in the 60’s and 70’s […]

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Riots display human beings acting at their worst. Usually the result of political or social turmoil, most riots rely on killing, raping, looting and widespread destruction to get their point across. After examining the tolls that riots take on society, we have to wonder whether this is an effective way to bring about change. Below […]

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Although there were relatively few attacks on North America during World War Two, the war was not an easy time for the United States. Even before it had begun, a large Nazi spy ring was found operating in the mainland; later when war was declared, hundreds of ships off the East Coast offered rich pickings […]

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Misogyny derives from the Greek word “misogunia,” the pairing of “misos” meaning hatred and “gyne” meaning woman. Misogyny is often considered “the world’s oldest practice” based in the concept of hateful distrust of women. Misogyny was first noted during ancient times in Greek mythology and Roman philosophers. Many theories exist as to what causes the […]

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Anyone who was beyond infancy in the mid-1990’s can remember the OJ Simpson murder trial. Dominating the news and broadcast into every home, it was everywhere. The image of Simpson trying on the leather glove and shaking his head was purposefully burned into our brains. Later, during the closing arguments, Johnny Cochran, one of Simpson’s […]

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“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it” – William Pitt the Elder, British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1768. Our nations’ leaders are supposed to be paragons of virtue and strength, ever striving to better the populace’s lot in life and aid their country’s economic and social progress. The […]

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Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and… he’ll want to skip work to catch dinner every day. And the same goes for women. Here are the Ten Best Fishing Poles per cost, customer ratings, quality, and versatility. Don’t you wish you were fishing? 1. Okuma VS-605-20 […]

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