You’d be surprised how many people search the phrase “how to cover up a murder” or something similar … we’ve seen these phrases pop up from time to time on Brainz. But quite honestly, we didn’t have an article to help those desperate souls. However, after doing a little look around, we now have the answer thanks to the site Top Criminal Justice Schools.

Thankfully, they’ve done this as a tongue in cheek joke, as an ode to the show Dexter. But still, it makes you wonder… why do so many people search this on Google?

10 Ways To Cover Up A Murder
From: Top Criminal Justice Schools

According to this graphic, here’s what you need to take care of to cover up a murder:

1. Do not leave ANY DNA behind.
2. Choose someone who has no clear relationship to you
3. Choose the location wisely
4. Choose a crime that minimizes traces
5. Hide the weapon or use no weapon at all
6. Timing: early mornings before most people are awake
7. Be prepared. Use cash. Have gloves.
8. Buy tools at least 1 month in advance. Preferably 12 months.
9. Have a reliable alibi lined up
10. Plan your getaway

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