Skin rashes are not pretty. Most skin rashes are characterized by red, swollen, crusty skin. Weeping sores, blisters, scarring, lesions, even skin ulcers are also commonly associated with skin rashes. Besides their unsightly appearance, skin rashes are extremely uncomfortable. The skin can burn and itch. Some skin rashes itch so severely the afflicted person cannot even sleep through the sensation. The primary concern of someone who has a skin rash is to alleviate the symptoms and cure the cause.
You cannot always cure a skin rash unless you know what is causing it. Most skin rashes can be treated in the same manner. But if the rash is caused by an irritant which you are still in contact with or exposed to, you won’t get rid of the rash until you get rid of the irritant. The same can be true for rashes caused by fungal infections. Prescription medication specific to the type of fungi causing the rash may be necessary. Curing the rash as quickly as possible can prevent permanent changes to the skin such as darkening and thickening.
See your doctor: If your rash is severe, accompanied by a fever, or has lasted for a prolonged period of time you need to talk to your doctor. A visit to your doctor may not be a bad idea regardless as they will be able to diagnose the type of skin rash you have and what you need to cure it.
Witch Hazel: This astringent is effective in relieving the itch from various rashes. It is also an antioxidant. Antioxidants are very helpful in treating, preventing, and eliminating skin rashes. You can boil witch hazel bark to make a more potent wash. Use one pint of water per ounce of the bark. Use a cloth to apply to the skin and let remain for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.
Olive Oil: Olive oil is recommended to soothe dry skin and restore moisture. The skin can also benefit from the healing and renewal properties of olive oil. Skin rashes can be treated by applying olive oil to the affected skin.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is another familiar skin treatment option. Besides being a gentle exfoliate, oatmeal will also alleviate inflammation. Try an oatmeal bath. Pour a cup of oatmeal into your bath water and soak for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has long been used to treat skin ailments. It has many nutrients and properties beneficial to the skin. Aloe Vera is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also provides anti-bacterial and anti-fungal aid. Once again, going straight to the source will provide a more potent treatment. Apply the gel from a leaf of the aloe vera plant directly to the skin rash. If you are not able to find one or do not wish to extract the gel yourself, you can find aloe vera extract at many stores. Apply at least 3 times a day.
Calendula Essential Oil: This essential oil also provides anti-inflammatory relief. It also possesses properties which can help eliminate the root cause of the rash. Apply the essential oil directly to the skin rash.
Baking Powder: Rub baking powder over the skin rash. Baking powder will dry up the rash and help relieve the itching.
St. John’s Wort: This popular natural anti-depressant is also an astringent when applied to the skin. It can relieve an itchy skin rash. It will also moisturize your skin.
Chamomile: You can use either the essential oil or boil tea bags. Apply the chamomile oil or water to the skin rash. Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory abilites. It will relieve the itch and irritation of most rashes.
Jewelweed: Finally a use for those dreaded weeds. The leaves from this plant can be crushed and rubbed over the areas of the body covered by a rash caused by poison oak or poison ivy. It will also help alleviate the rashes caused by insect bites and stings.
Wild Pansy: Who said pansies were weak? This pansy can be applied to eczema skin rashes to eliminate skin irritation and itching.
In all cases, you should not use hot water which will aggravate skin rashes. Keep the water warm. You can purchase ointments which will also help relieve the symptoms of skin rashes. Cortisone creams are effective in reducing inflammation associated with skin rashes and relieving the itching. Antifungal creams will help eliminate fungi responsible for causing the skin rash. Applying cold compresses will help cool inflamed skin and reduce swelling. Refrain from scratching as much as possible. The scratching can cause further damage to the skin and, depending on the type of skin rash, even spread the skin rash to other parts of the body.
When it comes to skin rashes, alleviating the symptoms should help lead to the cure. You can and should combine several of the treatments to eliminate the skin rash as quickly as possible. If you are allergic to any of the plants or ingredients in the treatments, do not use that particular treatment. It will only further exacerbate your skin rash. A call or visit to the doctor will often expedite the healing process as it will help you determine the type of rash you have and, therefore, the cure needed. Most importantly, keep your skin affected by the rash clean and dry. Moisture can lead to additional problems.