You’re likely doing it right now – and it is slowly killing you. Yes, sitting down for more than six hours a day can increase your risk of death by as much as 40%. Our friends at Medical Billing and Coding put together this graphic to illustrate how a sedentary lifestyle and sitting for hours […]

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The consumer market is flooded with beauty products. There are skin car products to correct and improve every facet of skin needs. Some products are deemed multifunctional, able to remedy numerous skin problems with a single bottle. Other products specialize in a single functionality. Not one skin product seems to have the ability to solve […]

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There are a number of substances and activities that a person can become addicted to, but are you familiar with the 10 most common addictions? Take a look at this list of addictions and see if you agree: 1. Alcohol Addiction Alcohol is readily available, and a legal substance for adults to use. Prolonged or […]

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Skin diseases are difficult conditions to live with, to say the very least. Though some skin diseases may cause minimal discomfort, the visual effects of the conditions can cause significant self esteem and confidence issues. The majority of skin diseases cause scarring or disfigurement. Skin diseases run the gambit from barely noticeable to fatal. Below […]

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How many times have you heard how important first impressions are? People will tell you when you first meet someone new, the individual decides within the first few minutes of the initial encounter whether or not you are someone he/she would like to: befriend, hire, become lovers with, or avoid at all costs. As these […]

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When we think of animals that will destroy us, rend us limb from limb, and leave us in a bloody mess, we usually thing of the huge and horrifying. Which means we forget about the real threats: the tiny, the cute, the gorgeous. The animals at which we ooh and aaah over, but are deadly, […]

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Aside from catching chicken pox as a kid, nobody would ever go out of their way to get sick. Why would they? The best you can hope for is a few days off from work, and really, playing hooky isn’t as fun since Bob Barker stopped hosting The Price Is Right. However, there are a […]

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Being diagnosed with any incurable disease is misfortune enough, but society for some reason looks upon the diagnoses of rare diseases as a special kind of grim fate dealt by the universe, the house which always wins. But sometimes — a one in ten million or more sometimes — a person is stricken with a […]

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The world is out to get you. That’s how I ended up feeling after compiling this list of horrifying, permanently scarring, eternally terrifying rare diseases. Genetic, infectious, parasitic and everything in-between, these 15 diseases scar their victims for life and scar us mentally having looked at them. 15. Blaschko’s Lines So, it turns out we […]

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Skin rashes are not pretty. Most skin rashes are characterized by red, swollen, crusty skin. Weeping sores, blisters, scarring, lesions, even skin ulcers are also commonly associated with skin rashes. Besides their unsightly appearance, skin rashes are extremely uncomfortable. The skin can burn and itch. Some skin rashes itch so severely the afflicted person cannot […]

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